Monday, October 15, 2012

Making an Annual Commitment

This week I was presented with the opportunity from OSV to renew my annual commitment to United Way with a gift automatically withdrawn from my paycheck.  In the next few weeks I will be presented with the opportunity to renew my annual gift to other non profits I contribute to each year such as The American Red Cross, The American Cancer Society, Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, and others that I give to because I believe in their cause and want to help make a difference in the goals they are trying to achieve.  When I think about it, annually I contribute to 18 non profits each year.  They are not always large gifts, sometimes just $25 or $50 dollars. 

This got me thinking....why am I not being presented with the opportunity to renew my annual offertory gift to my church?  My next thought was that my gift to the church has not changed in years because I have not been asked to grow my offertory gift or presented with a commitment card to do so!

Here's the fact; thousands of non profits are soliciting our parishioners for contributions and gifts.  Our archdioceses and dioceses are asking for pledges each year to support the Annual Bishops Appeal.  But most churches are not asking parishioners to formalize their annual commitment to the church or challenging parishioners in their offertory giving.  I know why--most Pastors don't want to have to give the "money talk."

The fact of the matter is, if you annually address parish offertory needs and discuss your important missions and organizations and how your ministry is changing lives and fostering the Catholic faith, parishioners will want to participate and will want to grow in their giving.  Annually parishioners should be presented with a commitment card to challenge offertory giving. This process should be one of celebration!  It should be a time when the Pastor gets up and says "Look at all we have accomplished together this past year!  Let's continue to grow our parish.  Let's continue to build God's kingdom together. Your sacrifices will continue to enable us to foster to those in need and bring Christ to the lives of others."

Would you like to have this conversation with your parish community?  We can help.  OSV's Increased Offertory Program is designed to help parishes facilitate this conversation with their parish community.  We've been making a dramatic difference in the offertory of hundreds of parishes.  Give us a call so we can help you facilitate this conversation with your parishioners.  I promise, you'll never have to give the "money talk" again!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Increased Offertory Program - Press Release

It's official!  OSV has formally released our Increased Offertory Program.  This has been a project I have been deeply involved with for the past 10 months.  I have to say it was well worth the wait (although like most sales people, patience is not a virtue of mine!)  I knew we were on the right path and was very excited to rollout this new service. 

You may have heard about Increased Offertory Programs in the past or they may be new to you.  Traditionally Increased Offertory Programs had a bell curve effect.  Your offertory would spike upwards then roll back down to where it was prior to the program.  The reason this occured was because the Increased Offertory Program was a stand alone program and not part of the total offertory strategy.  Yes, I said offertory strategy.  Every church needs one--a plan to coordinate all of your offertory tools for the maximum effect.  We call this an Offertory and Communications Plan.  Each parish should have a plan in place coordinating your offering envelopes, electronic giving program, increased offertory program, newsletter communications, annual state of the parish report, record of contribution card inserted in the envelope packet, church website, and stewardship renewal programs together so that all communications are working together to convey your message, which is the mission of your church.

This may sound like a lot to do but it really isn't.  OSV Offertory Consultants are here to work with your parish staff to put a plan in place and the wheels in motion.  I'll keep blogging about the Offertory and Communications Plan.  I'm a phone call away if you would like to hear more.

Here's the link to our Increased Offertory Program press release.  I hope this information is useful as you are working out the last details for your annual budget for 2012-2013.

Last but not least, Happy Anniversary Our Sunday Visitor!  May 5th was the celebration of OSV's 100th year as a company.  I am very blessed to be a part of an organization whose commitment remains To Serve the Church.

God bless!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Children's Offering Envelopes....Priceless

Happy Easter Everyone!

Now that the Easter holiday is behind us I am sure everyone is ready to begin working on finalizing your annual budget for the next fiscal year--at least those of you whose fiscal year runs July through June.  Are you budgeting in a few extra dollars for children's offering envelopes?

Why should you have children's envelopes available?  The children are Today's Church....and Tomorrow's Church. 

Children should be learning now the fundamentals of Stewardship.  The giving of one's Time, Talent, and Treasure for all they have been blessed with.  The offering envelope allows parents and youth educators the opportunity to have discussions with children on the fundamentals of Stewardship.  Envelopes also allow children the opportunity to participate in the offertory at Mass.

I remember when I was young I would fight with my twin brother on who got to drop the envelope in the basket when it was passed around because we did not have children's envelopes!  Now, my parish supplies envelopes to the children and when it is time for the offertory collection the children all get up and go to the altar where Father is waiting with a basket to collect the children's gifts.  They enjoy the chance to get up and get a "high five" from Father or a smile and a pat on the head.  On the first Sunday of the month the children also bring up a perishable food item to help stock the shelves of the local food pantry.  These activities allow me, as a parent, to have a discussion with my children on why we share our gifts of money with the church and how those monies support important missions to help those less fortunate.  We also discuss why we are sharing our box of mac-n-cheese to help feed those that have no food or little money to buy food.  Lastly, we get to sit down and fill out the envelope together as the children's envelopes have lines for time, talent and treasure.  We talk about saying extra prayers for those that are suffering or are struggling with things that need God's assistance and guidance.  As an added benefit I am reminded to use my envelopes and reflect on my gift to the church in support of God's work.

I guarantee you will not bring in large amounts of monies from the children's envelopes, but you will be providing them with lessons on Stewardship that are priceless.  Isn't a few hundred dollars for children's envelopes worth this lifelong lesson?

Children's envelopes are a vital component of an Annual Offertory and Communications Plan.  We have lots of ways to make sure you launch a successful children's envelope program.  I would love to hear your stories on your children's envelope program at your parish.

Have a blessed day!

Friday, March 30, 2012


Welcome to Our Sunday Visitor's blog about Maximizing Offertory!  We know churches are looking for ways to increase revenue and reduce costs.  We also know you are struggling to grow your parish membership and build vibrant parish communities.  We wanted to create a place where pastors, administrators and staff could share ideas and connect.  Thanks for visiting our blog.  I sincerely hope you will join the conversation!

2012 kicked off with a bang for myself and the Offertory Solutions Division consulting team.  We have had the pleasure to visit many dioceses and have had multiple dioceses visit us at the OSV offices in Huntington, IN.  One main area of conversation is an Annual Offertory and Communications Plan for parishes. We are introducing the need for parishes to have a plan in place to increase revenue and communicate to their parishioners through printed and electronic means.  Every parish sits down each spring and plans their annual budget.  They should also take the time and plan the following:

1) Review the church offertory program and make sure the program is current, effective and envelopes are being supplied in the way parishioners prefer to give.

2) Plan to grow the electronic giving method being offered at the church.  Online Giving is a must for every parish!

3) Have a communications plan in place through both printed and electronic means.

4) Have an appealing up-to-date website that is inviting and informative with current information.

It has been my pleasure to work with many parishes on an Annual Offertory and Communications Plan.  I'll be blogging more about each of these in the coming days. 

I look forward to hearing what you have been doing at your parish to grow offertory and improve communications at your parish!